Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Johnny!

Just wanted to wish our son a happy 16th birthday!
We went this morning to get his driver's license and away he went!
We are so proud of him and wanted to share a few pics we took today.

John's Jimmy! Getting ready to leave for school! He looks a little "cocky" but I think he was a little nervous!

#7 in action on the soccer field!

A plate full of "Crab Chee on the house" at his favorite, First Wok

You bring so much joy to our lives. You truly are a blessing. We love you and "safe drively"!

(Now I remember why I don't post blogs more often...takes me forever!!!)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Blessing of Grandchildren

Almost two weeks ago, we were blessed with another beautiful granddaughter.
Juliet Lynne Dieleman was born to Michelle and Dan on Tuesday, April 15
at 9:13 a.m. She weighed in at 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 20 inches long.
She is a sweet, precious gift to our family from God and we thank Him and praise
Him for her. Her big brothers Chase and Drew, and big sister Joy are delighted
with their new baby and love taking turns holding her.
The timing of her birth was perfect as I had planned a short trip to DC to visit
my granddaughter Stella for Grandparent's Day at her school that weekend.
Juliet was born on her brother Drew's 6th birthday and he was so proud!

Juliet Lynne Dieleman

The proud siblings, Chase, Drew and Joy with Juliet

Sylvia (6 weeks) and her little cousin Juliet

Grandma D with Drew at Build-a-Bear for his 6th birthday
Drew on the carousel at the mall with his new friend, Spots!
The other April birthdays - Sara 26, Tom 32 and Scott 33

On Friday, it was grandparent's day at Dutton Christian School. Here are a few pictures of that special day!
Grandpa and Grandma Hopkins with Drew in the Kindergarten classroom at DCS Grandparent's Day
Grandma D with Chase at in his 2nd grade classroom at DCS Grandparent's Day. Chase has the same teachers that his Uncle Johnny had in 2nd grade when Chase was born!I was "Grand Auntie" for my precious niece Laiya in DCS Middle School. Here is Laiya with her friend Hannah in front of a decade timeline she worked on. It was very well done!

The Friday prior was Grandparent's Day at Stella's school in Washington DC. I had such a nice visit with Amy, Tristan and Stella and Tristan's family. Here are a few photos of that short, but very sweet trip!

Sweet Stella at Grandparent's Day at Lowell School in Washington DC with her friend Noelia in front of Stella's self-portrait
Stella and her teacherStella with her "Momoo" and "NeeNee" who were definately the youngest grandma's there!

Stella at her soccer game
Stella, Momoo, Amy and Tristan after the soccer game.

And just a few more pictures to share with you....
Sylvia in her new Bumbo seat!My nephew Ben and his wife Cat playing Rock Band with Johnny.

That's it for now! I will try not to wait so long between posts! Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sylvia Kate DeBoer

Just wanted to update the blog (I know, it's been a little while!) to show off the latest edition to the Dieleman/Wierenga gang.
Sylvia Kate DeBoer was born yesterday, March 3, at 7:59 a.m. She came into the world weighing 7lbs. 9 oz. and is 19 1/2" long. She has dark hair and looks alot like Katie did when she was born. In other words, she is beautiful!
Sylvia is our 5th granddaughter and we have 4 grandsons. Dan and Michelle are expecting a little girl in April too.
God has blessed our family with another healthy baby and we are grateful to Him for Sylvia.
We are thinking of Scott's family at this time also, knowing that they are still grieving the loss of Loie, yet praising God for this new life.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works
are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13&14

Precious Nicholas just wondering who is this little one?
The DeBoer Family, Scott, Nicholas, Katie and Sylvia